Matthew Henry

Just finished university in london... got a whole summer to myself and then start working in PwC at Madrid... Thats the point in my life where this blog starts lets see where it leads me too
Dear Members of Staff and Student Body,
I am writing as representative of the student body to make a complaint regarding the CS3100 exam on 11th May 2011.
The examination is a final year core module: Software Project Management. I am not aware if all disciplines of DISC in level 3 undertake this exam but I can confirm Computer Science, Information Systems and Network Computing students were part of the examination.
The examination began under normal circumstances however after the initial 10 minutes students started to question an aspect of question 1. After seeing many students raise this issue, the invigilator asked all students to discard this part of the question.
25 minutes into the examination, the same invigilator announced that the wrong set of questions had been given and that a new set of questions was being printed. Students then had to wait while this was carried out.
45 minutes into the exam we were given a new set of questions. We were told that due to the disruption we will be allowed and extra 30 minutes to continue the examination. This did not account for the loss of time in the examination, in total students should have been given an extra 45 minutes.
I have been asked to raise this concern by a number of students who undertook this examination, who are deeply concerned by the universities processes in relation to examination administration. A formal apology has been given for this mistake or the stress and anxiety this caused by this discrepancy, especially considering it is a level 3 examination. However there has been no other notification of what is going to happen with this examination, and the promised transparency in this whole process is yet to be proven.
Generally student’s opinions of this module have been poor; the module seemed to be taught by a broad mix of teachers as an extra module that did they showed little interest, enthusiasm or vigour in teaching.
As fee payers, contributing to our education, we are entitled to a certain quality of education; this is not it. If
From my understanding this situation has not occurred before and I understand that everyone can make mistakes but it seems unfair to be awarded less time for an issue that had nothing to do with the students. Please can you let me know how you will prevent such incidents in the future and how you plan to rectify the current situation.
I would also like to take this opportunity to say thank you to all members of staff in the department (support and teaching) and thank them for the otherwise wonderful experience I and other students have had at university.
Yours Sincerely,
Rishi Chandiramani
Level 3 Computer Science Student Rep.
Lets hope something is done about it, they did say the process would be transparent, but students have only received an apology letter on the 11th since then.
Also note I will try to post a real personal update before the end of the week! Until then..
Farewell, God knows when we shall meet again.
Location:Isambard Close,,United Kingdom